
let there be light

i haven't had a lot of motivation to blog lately. i'm still cooking, but stews and soups and cooked squash are not as interesting to take photos of to put on my blog. plus it's dark. really dark. and not just normal daylight savings dark with short days like the rest of the country. dark takes on new meaning in seattle.

currently, the sun rises at 7:30am and sets around 4:20pm. but it's getting darker and darker. according to my sources, the sun won't rise until 7:58am in december...and it will set around 4:15pm. darkness makes it harder to do many things. it's harder to wake up. it's harder to keep working when it's dark in the afternoon. it's harder to be motivated to cook. and it's harder to take pictures to post on my blog because things just look better in natural light.

so that's my excuse for my lack of blogging. maybe i'll have more to say next week when i'm in sunny colorado for thanksgiving. or maybe i'll have even more to say when i'm in sunny hawaii for christmas. and i'm bound to have something to post as i bake christmas cookies and make christmas cards and put up my christmas tree.

when you live in seattle, i guess you just have to remember the light. the light that peeks through the clouds and rain. the light that last from 5:00am to 9:15pm in the summer. and the fluorescent light that shines on me as i write this in the darkness of my apartment...


Dee7 said...

do u have any good chicken chowder recipes?