

Peaches went to doggie heaven today. She was 17 years old...or 119 in dog years. It's sad, though, because she really was a part of the family. We first got Peaches when I was only 7 years old. My brother and I had really wanted a dog (our other one had died) and kept asking my parents for one. One day, my parents picked us up and there was a dog in the car. Our immediate question was, "Whose dog is that?" We were so excited when they said, "She's ours!"

Peaches was smart. When she was young, we taught her to jump over the ironing board. When she was old, she figured out where we stored her treats and would go and stand near the cabinet and bark at us until we gave her one. She always knew when Spencer and I were asleep in our rooms. And she loved waking us up. She would sit and whine at our doors until we woke up and let her in. Then she would sleep with us in the bed...looking much like the picture above.

I'm sad that my little dog is gone. It will be incredibly sad to not have her there to welcome me home the next time I'm in Colorado. I'll miss her when I'm sitting on the couch and need someone to sit on my feet to warm them up. I'll miss her whining and her begging for food. I'll miss hearing her collar jingle as she walks about the house.

Sometimes it seems stupid to me to be sad about a dog. But she was my dog. She was part of my life for most of my life. In this Easter season, I suppose this is just a reminder that this world we live in is broken, it has sadness, it is full of death. I'm glad that Christ came to conquer all of that.

As my brother wrote in an email today, "God gave us a great dog that was a big part of our family and brought us a great deal of joy for 17 years." He's right. Peaches brought us lots of joy and we will miss her, but we will always have great memories of our little Baby Peaches La Peche Hunt.