
nothing to do in pittsburgh

ARG...don't you hate when you accidentally erase your entire blog entry? well...that just happened to me and it's ultimately annoying.
so i'm waiting for my room service to come to my hotel room here in pittsburgh. i thought i'd update the ol' blog while i wait. first, i am so tired of waking up at 4:30am for my 6am flights. i mean, waking up at 4am is never fun. and i've had to do it for the past three weeks and will keep having to do it for the next few weeks. special. very special.

i've been traveling with my director on the project and i have had some very awkward moments. first, i'm currently making cold calls for my project to try to set up interviews. now, making cold calls is not my favorite thing to do. and you kinda have to be fake and say stupid things to get people to talk to you. i prefer to make calls when no one else is listening to me, but while we work in pittsburgh, we sit right next to each other and he listens to every word i say. it makes me feel so self-conscious. second, he isn't the best at making small talk. he's very bad at making small talk actually. i try to ask questions, find out what's going on with his other projects, talk about the holiday, and lots of other things...but he never talks about anything for more than two seconds. so at lunch i was talking about how i'm going to the army/navy game in philly this weekend. he asked what my brother was doing after he graduates and i said that he was going to flight school. and then he remarked, "yeah...and then they send him to iraq." i didn't really know what to reply to that. so then he asked me if my brother was going to do it for life. and i said that i knew he was thinking about it. then i mentioned how the retirement benefits are really good. and my director replied, "if you don't die." is it just me or are those remarks completely off base? i mean, what the heck am i supposed to say to that? it's clearly not funny...such awkwardness.
my food still isn't here. and i'm getting pretty hungry. i hope it comes soon. i need some nourishment for me to have enough energy to cold call again all day tomorrow....


Sarah said...

can i ask a dumb, very non-wharton question ...

what exactly *is* a cold call?

Lindsay said...

it means calling someone who you've never met, who has no idea who you are, who you are trying to get information/an interview out of, whose number you probably look up online. basically just a random call.